105 research outputs found

    Adding Value to Statistics in the Data Revolution Age

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    As many statistical offices in accordance with the European Statistical System commitment to Vision 2020, since the second half of 2014 Istat has implemented its internal standardisation and industrialisation process within the framework of a common Business Architecture. Istat modernisation programme aims at building services and infrastructures within a plug-and-play framework to foster innovation, promote reuse and move towards full integration and interoperability of statistical process, consistent with a service-oriented architecture. This is expected to lead to higher effectiveness and productivity by improving the quality of statistical information and reducing the response burden. This paper addresses the strategy adopted by Istat which is focused on exploiting administrative data and new data sources in order to achieve its key goals enhancing value to users. The strategy is based on some priorities that consider services centred on users and stakeholders as well as Linked Open Data, to allow Machine-to-Machine data and metadata integration through definition of common statistical ontologies and semantics

    Struttura urbana e terziario alle imprese

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    I saggi contenuti in questo volume costituiscono gli esiti di una ricerca, sviluppata dagli Autori nella seconda metà degli anni Ottanta, nell’ambito del Progetto Finalizzato “Economia Italiana”. Lo studio aveva come oggetto l’interazione esistente fra i servizi alle imprese e la struttura della rete urbana, e quindi – applicati al caso italiano – il ruolo trainante delle città e delle aree metropolitane nei processi di crescita produttiva e di sviluppo economico. Dopo un’articolata fase metodologica, il lavoro propone una complessa classificazione dei servizi e dei comuni urbani, la cui lettura è agevolata dalla presenza di un’efficace cartografia tematica. Le conclusioni dello studio consentono di ribadire il ruolo portante delle aree urbane nella crescita dei potenziali territoriali e sottolineano pure come la forza propulsiva della trama insediativa provenga dalla compresenza virtuosa di servizi avanzati a carattere innovativo, di terziario decisionale e di ricerca e sviluppo. Una anticipazione del ruolo strategico esercitato dal cosiddetto “effetto di prossimità”

    The Value of Data in the Implementation of Agenda 2030

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    The official statistics is decisive as to themes where indicators for sustainable development have been identified and have to respond to the challenges and risks in a highly dynamic global framework, characterized by new needs and modes of production, dissemination and communication of data. The NSIs have the opportunity to increase awareness of the value of data of official statistics, making available the information and services, driving the modernization of official statistics, enhancing the capacity to make decision on the basis of evidence and promoting a dialogue with other national producers and users

    Passenger Travel Demand Models: Factors Underlying Work & Study-Related Travel

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    Il lavoro affronta la problematica dei modelli di generazione della domanda, utilizzati allo scopo di stimare gli spostamenti delle persone secondo l'area di origine. A partire da un'applicazione per la stima degli spostamenti per motivi di studio e di lavoro a livello provinciale, basata esclusivamente su variabili aggregate, vengono successivamente proposti modelli fondati sull'integrazione di data base contenenti sia informazioni individuali sia a livello territoriale aggregato. E' presentata un'applicazione condotta con alberi di regressione che ha consentito, a livello regionale, di stimare e di prevedere per un triennio il numero di spostamenti secondo diverse tipologie. Un'altra applicazione, tuttora in corso di realizzazione, riguarda l'integrazione dei dati censuari sul pendolarismo con archivi con informazioni a livello comunale

    Scenari futuri per il Sistema statistico nazionale

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    Nell’articolo l’autore sottolinea che il Programma Statistico Nazionale non dovrebbe essere più soltanto l’insieme dei sempre più numerosi progetti realizzati dai soggetti del sistema, ma soprattutto il risultato di un disegno che realizzi significativi miglioramenti della statistica ufficiale. Il disegno dovrà essere definito in piena autonomia dai soggetti del sistema, ma avere anche un forte commitment da parte del Paes

    Estimates based on preliminary data from a specific subsample and from respondents not included in the subsample

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    Various approaches to obtaining estimates based on preliminary data are outlined. A case is then considered which frequently arises when selecting a subsample of units, the information for which is collected within a deadline that allows preliminary estimates to be produced. At the moment when these estimates have to be produced it often occurs that, although the collection of data on subsample units is still not complete, information is available on a set of units which does not belong to the sample selected for the production of the preliminary estimates. An estimation method is proposed which allows all the data available on a given date to be used to the full - and the expression of the expectation and variance are derived. The proposal is based on two-phase sampling theory and on the hypothesis that the response mechanism is the result of random processes whose parameters can be suitably estimated. An empirical analysis of the performance of the estimator on the Italian Survey on building permits concludes the work. © Springer-Verlag 2005

    A stochastic estimated version of the Italian dynamic General Equilibrium Model (IGEM)

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    We estimate with Bayesian techniques the Italian dynamic General Equilibrium Model (IGEM), which has been developed at the Italian Treasury Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance, to assess the effects of alter-native policy interventions. We analyze and discuss the estimated effects of various shocks on the Italian economy. Compared to the calibrated version used for policy analysis, we find a lower wage rigidity and higher adjustment costs. The degree of prices and wages indexation to past inflation is much smaller than the indexation level assumed in the calibrated model. No substantial difference is found in the estimated monetary parameters. Estimated fiscal multipliers are slightly smaller than those obtained from the calibrated version of the model
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